DID stands for dissociative identity disorder. it's a complex disorder that can be difficult to explain, but to be blunt: it used to be known as multiple personality disorder. i like to be open about having it because it's such a stigmatized disorder, so if you have any questions about it feel free to ask!
you might hear people refer to me as different names - these are my alters (or "personalities). they aren't dangerous and you generally can't even tell that i've switched; but some of my close friends are able to tell, and address me accordingly.
the main issue i have is amnesia. i struggle with remembering people, even if we've met multiple times in the past. i also have trouble remembering conversations, places, events, etc. so i might come across as a little scatterbrained... it's not on purpose! it just is what it is. i only ask for a little bit of patience when making plans with me. <3